Semi Permanent Makeup


Powder Brow Tattoo

150 mins $600

(price includes touch up)

This ‘shading technique’ is very versatile and suitable for most people.

The permanent makeup tattoo machine will be used to distribute dots evenly, to give a beautiful makeup effect.

Powder brows can be a light shading of the under eyebrow hair skin, a full coverage bold look as pictured (left) or something in between.

Cosmetic tattoo powder brow
powder brow semi permanent tattoo
Powder brow eyebrow tattoo

Lip Blush Tattoo

120 mins $650

(price includes touch up)

Coming soon to Proud Beauty

The Lip Blush tattoo doesn’t only line the lips, it also shades the whole lip area in. This gives a consistent and gorgeous colour to the lips, making them stand out a little without any lipstick.

The resulting look is more of a ‘blush’ than a colour, although if you want a bolder look we can discuss additional sessions.