Teeth Whitening

80 minutes $198

($170 when booked as an add-on to select* lash and brow services)

At Proud Beauty, we use the Beyond II teeth whitening system. The process includes 3-4 rounds of hydrogen peroxide gel application, activated with an ultrasonic UV light. Our light system clips onto your cheek retractors for maximum possible comfort, leaving you free to read, use your phone or have any lash or brow treatment done simultaneously!

Most clients achieve their desired whitening result within one session, but for deeper staining you may choose to book an additional session 2-3 months later. I will discuss and advise whether this might be beneficial at the time of your first appointment.

  • If you have gum disease or any cracked/chipped teeth, your dentist may decide that teeth whitening will not be suitable until these have been successfully treated. Whitening is only effective on natural teeth - crowns, bridges and veneers will be unresponsive to the process.

  • Please don’t book this service if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

*Discount applies to Lash Extension Services, Lash Lifts, Brow Shape & Tint and Brow Lamination, where I am able to do the service in tandem to teeth whitening.

teeth whitening process
teeth whitening
teeth whitening
cosmetic teeth whitening

All before and after photos are taken with the exact same lighting settings and placement, to give an accurate example of the whitening result.